
The NTOCC Advisors Council has created four work groups to address key areas associated with Transitions of Care. Various organizations on the Advisors Council and the Partners Council collaborate within each work group to discuss solutions and create resources for use by the entire health care industry, patients and care givers.


On the Education & Resources work group, NTOCC is working to address the awareness and general knowledge regarding the problems associated with Transitions of Care, in order to provide critical information to various stakeholders: patients, caregivers, health care professionals, policy makers and media representatives.

In order to do this NTOCC is working to Identifying practical tools and resources that can be used by health care professionals, care givers and patients to improve communication in a consistent manner between care settings and reduce risk associated with care transitions.


Assessing ways to improve care through enhanced communication tools, collaborative partnership and enhanced reimbursement for transitional care support and technical medical information shared between care settings; providing advice and recommendations to health care policy makers and implementers.


Assessing and defining appropriate performance measurement frameworks which demonstrate the impact of interventions on reducing risk associated with transitional care, improving outcomes and balancing costs.


Determining gaps within health care information technology that create barriers to effective transitions and constructing solutions incorporating NTOCC considerations to improve transition safety.